I have to get a kick of of how some people put so much time and effort into Social Network Marketing. Most dump the every minute into making list,friends,groups,and joining hundreds of social groups.
Think about it, what have they gained? Not a dam thing, they spend countless hours,days weeks and even years. You make friends that really don't want you as a friend and just want you to buy their product or service that you don't want. Because you are trying to sell yours to them, that they don't want.
Everyone plays the kiss ass game. They all play up to you as there buddy, and try to suck you in, by sending you hearts,smiles,loves and kisses to make you think they love you. Yes they love you to spend your money on them. That's the way they have been trained, and all that most of them know.
In all my years of Online Internet Marketing I have yet to meet anyone person that has really made it starting at the bottom. Most don't even make enough money to pay their rent or pay for their Internet connection. And a great share of them, put way more in then they will ever get back.
Now, there is money to be made in network marketing, but its not what some are told or made to believe.It is fine to make friends even better to make Groups and get them to join you on something you have in common or something that's popular. Be the leader start the groups and test them add admins to help out. {some people may be eager to work with you}You may want to join certain networks that lean to your special likes. Most if not all of these type of networks have certain groups that are really very active.
Some of the places that get tons of traffic are News and sport networks and most have blogs and discussions that you can comment on and leave your link to your site just for a example. And it don't stop there the list can go on forever.
So get off the wheel and look out side the box if you want to get on top, stop being on the some o some ride.
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