Wellwoods World


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Globle Warming My Ass

I'm not sure what some of these money suckers are tiring to get, but I'm not falling for it. I'm not sure if Al Gore and his banned of ripe off artist, have really took the time to look outside. But where I'm living its not getting any warmer.

If anything the summers are getting shorter and the winters are getting longer and colder or at least it seams to be. Something I have noticed is the seasons are changing maybe not so much getting longer or shorter, but moving forward.

It seems as though Spring is coming later and Summer lasting longer and the leafs on the trees are hanging on closer to December. Winter snow is not really hitting hard until late December.

You can see this most in the animal herds in the northern parts of the world as the seasons change so do their habits change.

Take the North American Whitetail Deer. As a hunter by tradition our family's have hunted Whitetail for years and years. Hunters generally like to hunt for the bucks during time of the rut.

The rut is when the bucks gets all excited from the smell of the doe's that are ready to be bread. The doe give off a strong sent when she is ready for breeding called her mating cycle. This most often happens when the air drops below normal temperatures in the Northeast is generally below freezing for more than a couple of days to a week, and as hunters in the area have noticed,that the bucks are not going into rut as early as they use too. There was a time when I remember bucks coming into rut as early as late September and lasting until December. Depending on how far north you may go. Now, they are not going into rut until mid to late November or later and it may last until January.

These are signs that something is changing.

My thought is that the Earth witch is spinning like a giant top around the sun is slowly tipping over. The north pole is moving away from the sun ever so slowly moving more and more to a tipping point until one day we will tip over causing a great flushing of the earth as we know it. If anyone can survive I bet it will be one hell of a ride.


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