I know you have all heard that saying its been around for years. This is so true in network marketing. Every time a new contact hooks up with you, he or she wants to show you what they has to offer. 9 times out 10 it a reproduction of the some crap with a different twist.
I been messing with Marketing for nearly 15 years and have see it all. I have even been sucked in to a few of these SCAMS. The biggest was a 1200 dollar scam that left them fellas laughing all the way to the bank with my money. I did receive a product, but was hardly worth 1200 bucks believe me. Most if not all of the material you could have found on the Internet with a little searching for free. Just about 24 month ago I bought a product that most of us have seen on TV infomercial. Where the dude in his fifty's had all these pretty girls telling about all the money their members are making. Promising you 10 free websites and a bunch of goodies, then they want you to come up with 20,000 grand just for advertising. Not to many people have that kind money just to take a chance on something your not sure about with just some guys word.
One of the most often seen is the FREE SIGN UPS...SCAM. You see tons of these in the network marketing word. Yup sign up and look that's about all you will get in order to see the whole picture it will cost you either a one time fee (50.00 bucks or more} or a monthly subscription. {20.00 a month on average} If you were to buy in to all these programs your spouse would kick you out, your dog would bite you, and the bank will take your car and house. You would be living in a cardboard box in New York City not a place I want to be. Believe me they will never give up they just keep coming.
Paid social networking sites are probably one of the worst. Most you can join for free, but once a free member they have upgrades that range from 24.99 to 49.99 a month just so you can connect with all members and they will sell you ad space and pay per clicks that pretty much just work in their sites. They are already where you want to be, way a head of you using members as labors for their forums and blogs for traffic content, driving more and more lookers. So they are only going to give you what they must to keep traffic rolling. Their not there to help you but help themselves get bigger. The owner of these paid networks don't care if you sell one product or a hundred as long as you use there service.
Some marketers believe that their customer's are in network marketing world. Not true their customer's are people that don't market at all they are every day Internet users, that are looking for a products and will buy when they find it.
There are a few good programs out there and most are in the information and learning courses. One of these I found was a Internet marketing course called Profit Lance, good step by step with video to set you up nicely in marketing.(right now only 77 dollars, one time payment}
Another is the Jim Danial's Web Business Coaching Awesome coaching with free products,video Training and personal help. {GOOD CHOICE}
And My Personal favorite has the be the one I've personal made over 170,000 dollars on in the last 3 years starting out with just 2500'00 is learning how to trade futures and options in the markets is the Virtual Trading University
Cowboy Marketing Unleashed
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